Category Archives: Blog

What to buy for your new apartment?

If you are moving into your first apartment, you are probably excited to “make it yours” by decorating it and adding lots of personal touches. However, you are also probably on a budget, which means a lot of the items you want to buy will be off-limits. Don’t worry. Even with a limited budget, you…
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How long does it take to move to a new State? Moving across town is difficult enough, but moving to a new state can be a particularly big challenge. So, you will likely want the move to be over as quickly as possible so you can get settled in your new place. How long it takes to move depends on the following factors. Are You…
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How to pack your exercise equipment for moving?

If you have exercise equipment or a home gym and are moving, then moving all of this equipment can present a big challenge. Here is some advice on how to pack exercise equipment for a move. Free Weights Lighter free weights can be packed in boxes, so long as the boxes are reinforced. You might…
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How to move a couch or sofa safely?

When moving, there are usually so many little things to pack that homeowners forget about their couches and sofas. While these items are generally pretty straight-forward to move (just load it into the moving van), there are some things you should keep in mind to make sure your couch or sofa stays safe during the…
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6 ways to stretch your moving budget

Moving isn't just stressful, it can be expensive too! Here are some simple yet effective tips for stretching your moving budget further. 1. Move during down-times If you can, try to avoid scheduling your move for weekends, the beginning or end of the month, or summer. These are the busiest times for moves. The quality…
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Signs you are ready to move in with your boyfriend or girlfriend

Moving in with your girlfriend or boyfriend is a huge step in a relationship. Not only do you get to spend more time together and test your compatibility, but there are also pragmatic benefits to living together – like reduced living expenses. Before you make the big move, make sure you have all the signs…
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